A couple of weeks ago, four of us got together to play a French and Indian War game at my place. The miniatures are all 25 mm, mostly from Old Glory's F&I range, with some Conquest and Dixon miniatures mixed in. The rules are Brother Against Brother, modified for F&I.
The Scenario:
During the Winter months, the British army began construction of several outposts reaching far into French territory with the plan of obstructing trade routes along the lakes. Fort Blackwood is one of these posts. As the Spring campaigning season begins, the French launch attacks against several of the outposts in an effort to drive out the British.
French Commander:
You are tasked with the capture of Fort Blackwood. You have at your disposal Sixty Native Warriors, Twenty Troupes de la Marine, and Ten Courier De Bois. You may position your troops anywhere in the woods across from the fort. There are reinforcements consisting of Forty French Regulars marching to aid in the assault, but they have not yet reached the field. You must attack the fort before the British can reinforce their position with additional troops.
The Scenario:
During the Winter months, the British army began construction of several outposts reaching far into French territory with the plan of obstructing trade routes along the lakes. Fort Blackwood is one of these posts. As the Spring campaigning season begins, the French launch attacks against several of the outposts in an effort to drive out the British.
French Commander:
You are tasked with the capture of Fort Blackwood. You have at your disposal Sixty Native Warriors, Twenty Troupes de la Marine, and Ten Courier De Bois. You may position your troops anywhere in the woods across from the fort. There are reinforcements consisting of Forty French Regulars marching to aid in the assault, but they have not yet reached the field. You must attack the fort before the British can reinforce their position with additional troops.
British Commander:
You are in command of a small outpost that is under construction. Because the fort is still incomplete, you have thrown up breastworks to cover the opening. Your garrison consists of Fifty American Militia, Twenty British Regulars, and Two 3 pd. Artillery pieces. Across the lake is a small encampment of Twenty British Light Infantrymen and Ten Rangers. They are ready to come to your aid if your guns fire a distress shot.
You are in command of a small outpost that is under construction. Because the fort is still incomplete, you have thrown up breastworks to cover the opening. Your garrison consists of Fifty American Militia, Twenty British Regulars, and Two 3 pd. Artillery pieces. Across the lake is a small encampment of Twenty British Light Infantrymen and Ten Rangers. They are ready to come to your aid if your guns fire a distress shot.
Fort Blackwood (under construction):

God Save the King!
Great action and pictures. I particularly like your "under construction" fort with the "real" log breastworks. I've been thinking along similar lines for a imagi-FIW game next month.
Really nice game. Great report that flowed like a real story. I like the WIP fort very much as well. Very inspiring for my own games - thanks.